Diffusion Sensor/Transmitter for Combustible Gases – S2000 Series

S2000 Series combustible gas sensor /transmitters are highly reliable and very cost effective for detection of all combustible gases.  These sensors have been used under diverse ambient conditions including Off-shore. The sensor works on the catalytic oxidation principal and generates an electrical signal depending upon gas concentration in air.  These sensors are used over 0-100% LEL (Lower Explosive Limit) of gas concentration in standard air. These sensors respond to all combustible gases. Sensors can be calibrated to respond to a specific gas. These sensors are rugged in design and do not generate false response like Semiconductor sensors.

This model is available with following variations:

1. Sensor – Catalytic Combustion OR Dual Beam Infra-red.

2. Operating Voltage – 9-24 V DC OR 15-37 V DC

3. Enclosure – Flameproof Weatherproof IP55 as per IEC 60079 & PESO approved OR Flameproof Weatherproof IP65 compaliant with IEC 60079

The transmitter contains all the circuits to provide regulated Sensor drive, pre-amplifiers for both reference and detection channels, circuits for all processing operations and calibration controls etc.

Each transmitter is factory calibrated for one or two gases (Dual Gas version) Methane and Iso-butane). Alternately it can be given for any two gases as desired. User can select any of these two gases on site without necessity of re-calibration.

It generates industry standard 4-20mA output for three-wire, remote monitoring host systems like Control Panels, DCS, PLC, or any 4-20mA receiver or Prism  family of Monitors  or SCADA systems.



  • Dual Matched Pellistor
  • Automatic ambient temperature compensation
  • Weather-proof Enclosure IP55
  • Operating over wide voltage 9-24 V dc
  • Sensor c/w configured and pre-calibrated Transmitter
  • Resistant to catalytic poisons
  • Excellent long term Zero and Sensitivity stability
  • No False Alarms
  • Linear 4-20mA current source output
  • Reverse polarity protection – Both Signal and Output
  • Continuous fault monitoring
  • Very low power efficiency using DC-DC converter
  • Local Zero and Span calibration controls
  • One man calibration w/o breaking current loop
  • On board LED for operation status


Technical specifications :


Sensor Catalytic Comb., Infra-red
Type Diffusion
Signal output 4-20 mA proportional output
Visual Indication Pilot LED
Power supply 9-24 VDC normal or 15-70 V DC extended
Signal Outputs 3 wire 4-20 mA
Current consumption <100 mA @ 12 V DC<70 mA @ 24V DC
Warm-Up time Max. 5 minutes
Operating Temperature -10 ºC to +50 ºC
Relative Humidity 20-90 % RH, Non condensing
Pressure 90-110 KPa
Air Velocity < 0.1- 0.5 m/s
Calibration Thru on-board Zero and Span screw drive controls
Dimensions (H x L x D)mm [158 x 82(+28mm with brackets)  x 85]mm
Weight Less than 350 gms
Mounting Wall/Floor  with Brackets/Stand
Enclosure Weatherproof IP65
Enclosure Material ABS or Cast Al alloy LM6
Sensor Housing SS 304/316
Connections 3 Screw terminal (Wire dia 0.2-2.5 mmsq)

Gases ( 0-100% LEL or 0-50%LEL)

LPG, Methane, Gasoline, Propane, Hexane, Pentane, Toluene, ABS  .. all combustible vapors


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