Battery Rooms

Battery Rooms have a special need to monitor hydrogen. Hydrogen evolves continuously during charging. Being a very light gas, it immeditealy flies upwards and collects till pushed out.
Hydrogen is one of the most potent gases – highly combustible and potential of a bomb.Its mixture is combustible over range of 4 to 75% in air.These areas are generally rquired to follow guidelines for ventilation of the rooms based on number and capacity of batteries. An efficient continuously running ventilation system may give false sense of confort. Hydrogen Monitoring gives positive confirmation of presence or absence of gas. It thus enhances the safety and can be used to save cost of ventilation.
Hydrogen Monitoring System with multiple levels of alarms can be used to run multi-stage fan control or demand controlled ventilation using VFD drives.
EcoMon ( Economical Monitors)
EcoMon is a latest technology family of products specially designed for Hydrogen Monitoring in Battery Rooms. Monitors are available in 2,4,8 channel cersions. Many of these systems can be looped thru’ a wired or wireless LAN to provide single point supervision thru any LAN enabled PC.
Pre-configured systems,hydrogen specific long life sensors, two alarms per sensor, channel relays,group relays, PC/BMS outputs for integration with other host systems make these systems as Powerful, No-nonsense Systems fro battery rooms or yards or even large plants.
  • 2/4/8 Channels
  • Cascadeable to any size
  • Hydrogen specific sensors
  • Two pre-configured Alarms per sensor
  • FLP/WP Sensors with 4-20mA output
  • LAN capability
  • Comapct IP66 Enclosure
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DeltaMon DeltaMon


Specifications :

Principle of detection Catalytic combustion or Semiconductor type
Gas to be detected Hydrogen
Detection range 0 to 100% LEL
Gas Alarms display Large bright LEDs
Pre-set Alarms Two for each sensor
Diagnosis Continuous Fault Monitoring



Safety(?) News